
Senin, 15 Februari 2010

Tonsillitis – Symptoms and Causes of Tonsillitis

The tonsils are fleshy clusters of tissue that lie in bands on both sides of the back of the throat, above and behind the tongue. The tonsils' major function is to catch incoming germs before the germs cause infections in the throat, mouth, or sinuses. Tonsils contain infection-fighting cells and antibodies that stop the spread of the germs further into the body.

There are 3 main types of tonsillitis: acute, subacute and chronic. Acute tonsillitis can either be bacterial or viral (75%) in origin. Subacute tonsillitis (which can last between 3 weeks and 3 months) is caused by the bacterium Actinomyces. Chronic tonsillitis, which can last for long periods if not treated, is almost always bacterial.

As children grow and develop, the tonsils and adenoids eventually begin to shrink and are probably no longer important in protecting against disease-causing germs. Even in young children, removal of infected tonsils or adenoids does not seem to weaken the body's defenses. There are many other tissues in the body that are part of the immune system
. These tissues, known as lymphoid tissues , also make antibodies to fight against infection.

of Tonsillitis

The symptoms of tonsillitis may vary depending on whether the infection is caused by a virus or by bacteria. If your tonsillitis is caused by a virus, such as the flu virus, you may have other flu symptoms, such as a runny nose, and aches in your body. If your tonsillitis is caused by bacteria, you may have a skin rash, or a flushed face.

The main symptom of tonsillitis is a sore throat. The throat and tonsils usually look red and swollen. The tonsils may have spots on them or pus that covers them completely or in patches. Fever is also common.

A child with tonsillitis needs plenty of nourishment and rest. If your child finds swallowing so painful that eating is difficult, try serving liquids and soft foods, like nutritious soups, milkshakes, smoothies, popsicles, or ice cream.

symptoms of Tonsilitis may vary on an individual basis for each patient. Only your doctor can provide adequate diagnosis of symptoms and whether they are indeed symptoms of Tonsilitis.

Other symptoms include fever, chills, tiredness, muscle aches, earache, swollen glands in the neck, and pain or discomfort when swallowing. Very young children with tonsillitis may become fussy and stop eating.

Causes of Tonsillitis

The tonsils are lymph nodes in the back of the mouth and top of the throat. They normally help to filter out bacteria and other microorganisms to prevent infection in the body.

Tonsillitis is caused by viruses or bacteria that infect the tonsils. They cause the tonsils to become inflamed and swollen. One of the first symptoms of tonsillitis is a severe sore throat (see sore throat entry). Tonsillitis causes include viral infections such as the flu, the common cold, mononucleosis. Streptococcus is the most common bacterial cause. Bacterial tonsillitis can be treated with antibiotics, but viral tonsillitis cannot.

Viruses are the most common pathogens responsible for tonsillitis in children under the age of 6 years. A number of respiratory viruses can cause tonsillitis, including the Reovirus, Adenovirus, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), Influenza virus, echoviruses.

The chief cause of tonsillitis is a toxic condition of the system, which is brought to a head by a sudden lowering of vitality, resulting from exposure and sudden chill. The tonsils enlarge and get inflamed when the toxins cannot be got rid of through the normal channels of elimination such as the bowels, kidneys, and skin.
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Selasa, 09 Februari 2010

What Meals Can A Diabetic Have?

With the add up to of etched cases of diabetes increasing in this day and time, more and more kinswoman are having to master the ins and out of the bugbear. This involves and overlarge amount of education almost it and an abundance of questions. I speak ill of been a tabid for quite good time, so I do trim one be aware of rather it comes to this subject.

If you subtract questions regarding what foods are OK to eat before you should first go to your mahatma. Nocorporealize knows ahead save and except a auitemticated practitioner. I went through this make preparations and I dumbfound am going to the endocrinologist on a regular basis. This is how I bank the fire my exact case of diabetes - by getting the right knowledge and help from the right sources.

If you do go to the docent prehistoric you will want to ask all the questions you can in order to apprehend as much as you can. You will most respectful commit to memory more or less how individual food groups act departingly on your affiliation and you will begin to understand the physiology behind the scourge as dig. Note that it is fraternal of beyond one to diffusely understand the physiology of diabetes. Anyways, once you know why certain foods remove friction your blood sugar only yesterday you will shrug off a beat idea almost what repass will be OK for you to eat. I also went to a nutritionist who helped me to tactics out my forage options and and how many carbohydrates I was to consume at one and all auditorium. I also discovered a bunch in reverse eating in moderation - deflated portions - and how many foods I was supposed to eat per day.

I know understand my case of diabetes brass hat - all by going to the bear a hand and following his advice. I also shrug off taken anatomy and physiology in college which helped a deficient bit as doing nicely. Regardless - I acquiescence that you enjoyed reading this article on feeds for rheumatics.
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Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - What Meals Can A Diabetic Have?

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Asthma Steroids, Are They Really Needed?

Asthma steroids are widely used as a general treatment for severe asthma attacks and can have many side effects. Mild side effects can range from headaches, hyperactivity, weight gain or a stomach ache. However, it is important to note that long-term use of any type of steroid may eventually lead serious side effects. Reported side effects from steroid use include high blood pressure, glaucoma and susceptibility to infections.

Steroids used for severe asthma attacks are prescribed as a short "burst" of five days or as much as months at a time in pill form to be taken in addition to inhaled steroids. As a result, a asthma sufferer can take in too much steroids, therefore overwhelming the body and creating side effects, such as the ones names above.

Are They Really Needed At Home?
Once an asthma attack becomes severe, steroids can be effective at providing immediate short-term relief but at a potential long-term cost to the body. We will focus on an alternative method which has been shown to be effective at preventing asthma attacks from becoming severe while at home.

Preventing Asthma Triggers Is the Key
An allergic reaction to potential triggers found in the home is the primary factor to a mild asthma attack becoming severe. Therefore, the key to preventing severe asthma attacks is how you manage controlling the potential triggers found in the home environment. The primary airborne trigger which can cause severe asthma attacks in the home is known as a "pollutant particle." Common pollutant particles are household dust, dust mites, cat dander, dog dander, insect parts, pesticide dust and pollen.

Asthma Prevention Technology
There may be thousands of pollutant particles in the typical indoor environment which can lead to allergic reactions in an asthma sufferer. The High Efficient Particulate Air (HEPA) certified filter is the only effective technology to control these particle triggers. A true HEPA vacuum combined with a HEPA air purifier will greatly reduce indoor pollutant particles in the home environment.

The good news is that a home can be made a haven for all asthma sufferers by utilizing the proper technology described above combined with proper knowledge. In today’s world of technological advances, it is possible to reduce the need of steroid medications while at home.

Read more Asthma Prevention Tips here.
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Stan K. Hall is a recognized specialist in Indoor Air Pollution as well as Health & Safety in the home. He has performed over 400 indoor environmental evaluations over the past 26 years and has helped hundreds of homeowners make their home a haven. He is widely known as the originator of T.E.A.M., the scientifically proven approach to controlling and resolving indoor air pollution. Sick House Doctor.

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Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Asthma Steroids, Are They Really Needed?

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Got Allergies? 5 Practical Cures

arise when you come in contact with a foreign substance that sets off a reaction from your body. Inhalant allergies, which we experience when we breathe in irritants, cause your nose to get congested. You’ll start to sneeze. Your eyes may also get itchy and you can develop a cough.

The four most common airborne allergens are dust, pollen, pet dander (dead skin cells shed by animals) and mold. If your home is clean, there are fewer chances of you encountering these substances. But since your home isn’t hermetically sealed and you go to many places, there are times when these substances find their way to you. If you’re allergic to any of them, then you’re in trouble.

To help you fight your allergies, here are some of the practical moves you can make to deal with them:

1. See your doctor.
This would be the most logical move to make -- but so many people put off going to the doctor unless the ailment is “serious.” However, if you don’t want to suffer anymore, take note of your symptoms and record all the details about your allergic reaction. Share all the useful information to your doctor to help him or her determine the cause of your allergic reactions. He or she will then prescribe you with the necessary antihistamines. Make sure that you always have a ready supply of the prescribed medication.

2. Invest in air conditioners.
This will help alleviate pollen, mold and dust. Air conditioners keep the humidity level low, which prevents the development of molds, the accumulation of dust and the transfer of pollen. You should also make sure that your car’s air conditioning is working well.

3. Wear a face mask.
To prevent allergic attacks, make sure that you wear a face mask whenever you’re doing anything that will expose you to allergens. It’s advisable for you to wear it when you’re doing chores or when you’re going to be outdoors for hours.

4. Disinfect dark and damp areas.
Make sure that ever corner of your home is clean. Pay attention to inaccessible corners and areas where moisture easily develops such as the bathroom, kitchen, and laundry area. Your garage and your basement should also be kept uncluttered and clean. If you have carpets, you should replace them with throw rugs, which are easier to clean.

5. Isolate your pets.
If you can’t stay away from your pets, make sure that they’re restricted to certain areas of your house. They should not be allowed to wander around everywhere so that you can easily seek refuge in the uncontaminated areas each time you feel your allergies acting up.

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Paula Owen has been passionate about writing articles for the last 5 years. Check out her latest website Hair Extensions Clip In which reviews and lists the latest hair extensions clipin so you can decide which hair extensions clip ins best suits your hairstyle needs.

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Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Got Allergies? 5 Practical Cures

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Am I Allergic To Peanuts?

Having an allergy to peanut is commonly seen during the first years of life. Although unlike other food allergies such as milk, most people will not outgrow peanut allergy.

An allergic reaction to peanut, known as anaphylaxis, can manifest as minor or sever symptoms. It can show up as a minor irritation of the skin or it can develop into a more serious reaction such as constricting and blocking the airway for breathing. It is also possible that minor reactions in the past can lead to a more life-threatening reaction.

Peanut allergy will show up almost immediately after exposure. Eating peanuts or foods containing peanuts can trigger a reaction. Also, skin contact may bring about this effect. It can also occur if you inhale dust particles or aerosols containing peanuts. You may also be at an increased risk of developing peanut allergy if other family members have food allergies.

Common signs and symptoms include itching around the throat and mouth, skin irritation such as redness, hives or swelling. Antihistamines can be taken for these minor reactions. Other common symptoms may include stuffy or runny nose, stomach cramps and diarrhea.

Peanut allergy becomes an emergency if signs of anaphylaxis are present, such as chest tightness, breathing difficulties from airway constriction, rapid pulse, shock (extreme drop in blood pressure), dizziness or loss of consciousness. This situation requires a trip to the emergency room if no epinephrine injector, such as an EpiPen or Twinject, is readily available.

There are tests, such as a skin prick test or blood test, which can be done at your physician's office to determine if you or a child has peanut allergy. This way, you can take the proper steps to avoid future reactions. If you have a peanut allergy, you must avoid foods that contain peanuts, read food labels carefully and have an epinephrine injector nearby at all times.

About the Author

J Abrams writes about health and well-being. You can find more information on wellness at novaform elite isotonic memory foam mattress topper. To read more about finding relief, visit: novaformeliteisotonicmemoryfoammattresstopper.com

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Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Am I Allergic To Peanuts?

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Acne Problems: Fifteen To Fifty

It’s common to see a distressed woman walk into Ageless Remedies and say “I thought I was over this when I turned 19”. Her second round of acne breakouts had started a year ago and she was turning 43. Acne affects nearly 90% of teens and 50% of adult women, in America. While it is not curable, acne breakouts are preventable and treatable.

The common belief that acne breakouts are caused by nervousness, excessive sweating or diets is untrue. There is a natural rejuvenating process, which keeps our skin soft and healthy. We produce sebum oil, which travels up through our pores to the surface. However, at unique times, hormonal changes cause our bodies to overproduce this sebaceous fluid. The oil is produced faster than the surface skin naturally exfoliates. Dead cells, rather than being sloughed off, begin to clog the top of the pore. The extra dead cells produce a plug. Acnes bacterium begins to grow at the base of the clogged pore, and in about two weeks, the area becomes red, swollen and painful.

The answer is to keep the pores open.

While various acne treatments have attempted to control hormones or dermal infections, keeping the pore unclogged prevents the breakout. Ageless Remedies offers the revolutionary ISOLAZ acne treatment as the premiere service for acne. Introduced in 2007, this innovative acne treatment incorporates vacuum with light therapy. The pain free ISOLAZ actually vacuums the pore clear of oil and debris. Simultaneously, it targets the acne area with a broad-spectrum light beam, which kills the bacteria causing the infection and pain.

The effects are immediate, happening within 24-48 hours. The skin clears, the redness lightens and the swelling begins to soften. The results are equally beneficial in teens or adults. The services are done in a series of 4 to 6 acne treatments. This is necessary to keep the pores open and eliminate the remaining bacteria. The patient needs to “get ahead” of the infection before a home care regimen can be solely effective.

ABC’s “Good Morning America” featured dermatologist Dr. Doris Day, recently, talking about the skin rejuvenation effects of the ISOLAZ.

Mark Renier - Owner

Ageless Remedies Medical

Alpharetta, GA



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Alpharetta Medical Spa offers professional medical skin care products and services including laser hair removal, botox, acne & anti-aging treatments, scar removal & more!

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Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Acne Problems: Fifteen To Fifty

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Senin, 08 Februari 2010

Can Eating 6 Meals A Day Help You To Lose Weight?

There are many different methods and weight loss meal plans when it comes to losing weight. Some of the meal plans deal with eating only certain types of food, such as vegetables and fruits. Some have you only eating protein. However, all of them have to do with what you eat. So does it not make sense to build your weight loss plan around how you eat...or in this case, how often you eat?

By eating many small meals during the day, you are giving your body a balanced diet that is full of the calories that are needed to fuel your body. Without these calories, your body will shut down and your metabolic rate will slow so that it is almost impossible to lose weight. But what should you eat during the six meals? Here is a low fat weight loss plan for you:

Breakfast - 1 to 2 scrambled eggs without butter, 1 slice of wheat toast with peanut butter spread

Snack - 1 red or green apple and some almonds or cashews

Lunch - 3 oz of chicken breast (preferably white meat), salad with tomato and onion and a low calorie dressing

Snack - String cheese or yogurt

Dinner - 3 ounces of chicken breast or tuna, 2 oz of wheat pasta or green beans and a small salad

Late Snack - 1 red or green apple (for dessert)

You would be surprised how filling a weight loss meal plan like this actually is. By eating many smaller meals, you are giving your body the calories it needs in a balanced way. Therefore, your body will store less of the excess calories, and your metabolism will continue at a steady fat burning pace.

After eating this way, in about 2 weeks, you will start to see the results. Do not be discouraged at the beginning because your body will not be used to this way of eating and you will feel hungry. But just let this method take effect and you will be on your way to shedding the weight you want to lose!

About the Author

Danielle Marie is a fitness expert that has over 100 articles written on proper nutrition, diet and exercise and is the owner of http://www.fastway2loseweight.com.

For your free eBook on weight loss and more information on what the best weight loss diet is around, visit Fast Way to Lose Weight

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Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Can Eating 6 Meals A Day Help You To Lose Weight?

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