In women, around 15 % suffer from migraine, with half of them having migraines before or after their period. There are also women who get migraines sometime during the middle of their menstrual cycle, while they ovulate.
The Menstrual Cycle
A woman's average menstrual cycle lasts for about 28 days, and is mainly controlled by the hormones secreted by the ovaries in the reproductive system and by the pituitary gland in the brain.
After the period is over, the estrogen levels increase in order to thicken up the womb's lining in preparation for egg to implant and grow. The ovaries release the egg in the middle of the menstrual cycle, and this process is known as ovulation. During this time, if a sperm does not fertilize the egg, the progesterone levels drop, causing the lining of the womb to fall away. This process is known as menstruation. After menstruation, the cycle repeats all over again.
It's believed that migraines are triggered by the fluctuations in the hormone levels, and not the actual hormone levels themselves.
Period Problems
Lots of women always dread the coming of their period, as they know all the problems that come with it, particularly a migraine. It is said that premenstrual migraines are worse than "normal" migraines, and this could be due to the other symptoms of menstruation that women have to deal with, like backaches, nausea, tender breasts, bloated feeling, abdominal pains, aching legs, exhaustion and mood swings. Getting a migraine along with all these symptoms can be an extremely unpleasant experience.
Premenstrual Cravings
Many women will have intense food cravings as their period approaches. Quite often these cravings will include chocolate, believed to trigger migraine.
Treatment for Premenstrual Migraine
To help treat migraines, three main areas need to be focused on:
- Dietary Changes: limiting intake of caffeine, avoiding known food triggers, eating regularly in order to prevent sugar levels from dropping.
- Medications: drugs that work on the blood vessels can all help relieve a migraine, like painkillers and anti-sickness drugs.
- Checking Possible Underlying Causes: other factors like stress and high blood pressure can cause premenstrual migraines.
Taking combined contraceptive pills is another method of treating premenstrual migraine. In this method, the migraines are prevented by preventing the period. It is recommended to take the pills without a break for three cycles. During the pill-free week, migraines can occur when the contraceptive pills taken contain a high level of progestogen, but this can be remedied by taking pills with higher levels of estrogen. This method can effectively cut the migraine ‘windows of opportunity’ from 13 weeks a year to just 5 weeks. Similar treatments would be to use estrogen patches or cream.
Migraine treatments or contraceptive pills with estrogen are not recommended for women who have been diagnosed with estrogen positive breast cancer. This is because they could have taken tamoxifen for five years following cancer treatment. As always, it is best to consult your doctor if you have doubts or need more information about these treatments.
For more help on the prevention, treatment and remedies for migraines please see the Complete Guide To Migraine Headaches.
This free article is provided by the Free Articles Directory for educational purposes ONLY! It cannot be reprinted or redistributed under any circumstances.
Selasa, 17 November 2009
PMS And Premenstrual Migraine
The Causes And Prevention Of Acne Scars
Acne scars are caused by injury to the skin as a result of the acne, and the way in which the body has tried to repair the damage. Different people scar in very different ways, some being much more susceptible than others. However irrespective of how vulnerable you are to scarring, it only happens when you have a severe outbreak of acne, and is rarely associated with the much more common ‘mild’ cases.
Acne scars are classified under two broad headings, one being where extra skin tissue is present and the other being where there is loss of normal skin tissue.
Scars where extra skin tissue is deposited are called raised scars or keloid scars. They are composed of extra collagen which has been laid down under the skin. Sometimes these scars can be bigger than the original spots and often last for years, with darker skin being more prone to this type of scarring.
When skin tissue is lost the scarring is often referred to as ‘sunken’. These are much more common than raised scars and are characterised as ‘pits’ in the skin. There are a whole range of further classifications associated with sunken scars, all of which describe the particular way in which the scar looks. For example ice-pick sunken scars look like wounds from an ice-pick (small with jagged edges and steep sides).
Irrespective of the type of skin that you have, there are some things you can do to reduce the occurrence of acne scars, these include:
1) Proactively seek out treatment for your acne before it becomes severe. See your doctor, start some topical medication, adjust your diet, do something to prevent a few spots becoming severe acne.
2) Try not to squeeze your spots; this single activity will dramatically reduce your chance of developing acne scars.
3) Don’t pick or poke your spots with instruments such as nail files, and tweezers
4) Use a good oil free moisturiser as part of your skin-care regime, to keep your skin supple and flexible.
Following these simple tips will ensure you don’t do long term damage to your skin.
Peter Vine is a successful online publisher of
He provides practical advice and the latest information on all aspects of adult acne treatments, which you can readily research on his website.
Rabu, 07 Oktober 2009
An Introduction To Sun Protection
Sun protection isn't just for sissies. Protection from the sun's damaging rays is important for anyone who wants to grow old gracefully. It's also an absolute must for anyone who wants to limit his or her risk of developing skin cancer.
People are finally beginning to realize that although sunshine is an important component of most outdoor activities and a great mood enhancer, excessive exposure can lead to much unpleasantness. A painful sunburn is the most immediate consequence of excess exposure. Long term, excess exposure can damage the skin making it prone to wrinkling and worse, the development of skin cancer.
When Do You Need Sun Protection?
Doctors will tell you that sun protection is needed all the time and they're right. Realistically however it's important anytime you'll be outdoors between the hours of 10:00 am and 3:00 pm, when the sun is at its highest.
People don't realize that they can still burn even though the sun isn't shining. Overcast days are some of the worst times for being in the sun unprotected. And because ultraviolet rays can reflect off certain surfaces, people need protection from the sun when snow covers the ground and also when in the water, when lying or playing on the sand and even when on a cement or grass surface.
Understanding UV Rays
Ultraviolet rays are the different wavelengths of energy that are produced by the sun. Even though harmful, the sun's energy is necessary to all human life. Fortunately, as life on earth has evolved so has the capacity to tolerate UV rays. The most important protection against the damaging ultraviolet rays is the ozone layer - a layer in the stratosphere that absorbs most of the various types of UV rays before they reach the earth's surface.
Most of this radiation or energy from the sun is invisible to the naked eye. The fact that the radiation is mostly invisible is likely the reason why the sun can be so harmful. It's hard to convince a person to protect against something that can't be seen. Of the ultraviolet rays, the two that are responsible for skin damage are UVA and UVB rays. The sun also generates UVC rays, but fortunately these extremely damaging rays cannot penetrate the ozone layer and therefore pose no threat to humans.
The longer and more prevalent of the two, UVA rays are responsible for long-term skin damage because they absorb deep into the skin. Their strength remains uniform regardless of the time of day or time of year. UVB rays are shorter and are what causes skin to tan or sunburns. Our bodies need UVB rays to produce Vitamin D, an important vitamin. Their strength varies based on time of day, time of year, altitude and also distance from the equator.
The UV Index is a scale measuring from 0 – 11 (low to extreme) and it's used to determine the intensity of the sun's radiation, particularly the likelihood that skin will or will not redden when exposed to the sun for various periods of time.
This free article is provided by the Free Articles Directory for educational purposes ONLY! It cannot be reprinted or redistributed under any circumstances.
Rabu, 09 September 2009
What Are The Best Vitamins For Skin?
n this article we will look at the best vitamins for skin. Getting older takes a toll on your skin. Many years in the sun and the elements can make you look older than you really are. For women after menopause, the estrogen that is responsible for youthful skin is gone. You start to notice more and more wrinkles staring back at you in the mirror. So what can you do to get that youthful appearance back?
One of the most important vitamins for your skin is vitamin A. It strengthens the protective tissue of the skin. It is also essential for the maintenance and repair of skin tissue. In addition, vitamin A is an antioxidant. It helps fight off free radicals that can damage your body systems.
The complex B vitamins are a group of vitamins that are very effective in maintaining a healthy skin tone. This powerful group of vitamins are like a whole army of soldiers dedicated to fight off the damaging effects that pollution, stress and the environment can do to your skin and to your whole body. They work perfectly in conjuction with each other and with the other major vitamin groups to keep your body at it's peak performance and to keep your skin looking good.
Vitamin C is another vitamin that is getting more and more good reviews every day. It is a powerful antioxidant and can help boost your body's immune system. Vitamin C is a major factor in tissue repair, growth and healing.
Vitamin E is an antioxidant that enhances healing and tissue repair. It can prevent cell damage by prohibiting the negative effects that free radicals can have on your body.
Taking good care of your skin is not just about vitamins. Eat a healthy, balanced, diet and get plenty of exercise. Try to devote at least eight hours to sleep a night. Always wear a sunscreen when you are out in the sun. Drink eight to ten glasses of water a day to keep your skin hydrated.
There is one more thing that you can take for younger looking skin. One teaspoon of cod liver oil a day has been called the fountain of youth. Many people say that after taking just one teaspoon per day, in a year's time they look like they have had a face lift! Cod liver oil helps to moisturize the skin and reduce wrinkles. In addition, the vitamin D that it contains helps to build strong bones and reduce your risk for osteoporosis. It also contains fatty acids that aid in the development of brain function and the development of the nervous system.
Your skin is the largest organ on your body. Take good care of it. Protect it from harmful UV rays and nourish it daily with the right vitamins and supplements. You don't have to look your age, now that you know the right vitamin for skin.
Kamis, 13 Agustus 2009
Can Low to No Carb Diets be Dangerous to Your Health?
The healthy, yet high carb, traditional Japanese style diet would be contraindicated under the Atkins plan. A major problem, in our view, is that the most popular of reduced carbohydrate approaches, the Atkins diet, is an ad lib diet with recommendations only to minimize carbohydrate intake .
One claim that Atkins makes is that his diet is good for the heart. Atkins recommended "vegetarian sources of fat and protein," not how much. Atkins advocated his diet for more than 30 years and stated that more than 60,000 patients treated at his center have used his diet as their primary protocol. However, he never published any study in which people who used his program were monitored over a period of several years.
Atkins relies heavily on proteins and fats, along with carbohydrates that are rich in nutrients. The idea is to strictly reduce the amount of non-nutritious carbohydrates you consume.
I know a couple of people who gave up the Atkins Diet just because he says to stop drinking coffee! I am telling you - coffee will help your weight loss efforts. The Atkins diet claims to clear up all manner of ailments, but the bottom line is these diets are lacking in nutrients essential for good health and the high level of protein puts a huge strain on your kidneys.
Eating less than 40 grams of carbohydrate a day may induce ketosis. And we mentioned the underdeveloped world, [which] tends to be low-fat, high-carbohydrate, also does well. Choosing to go the low or no carb route could lead to missing the benefits of whole grain, the other carbohydrates.
When carbohydrates are reintroduced in the diet, the water weight is regained. There is no quick and easy weight to lose weight; it's basically a question of calories taken in versus calories burned.
Most dieters do not understand the potentially dangerous side effects of low-/no-carbohydrate diets. A low carbohydrate diet can lead to constipation, which slows weight loss. In addition, adequate fiber is beneficial in reducing more serious types of health problems, such as colon cancer and cholesterol levels.
Despite their popularity and the concern of some in the medical community little evidence exists on the efficacy and safety of low-carbohydrate diets.
Also, several specific health concerns are associated with a diet that places such a heavy emphasis on the consumption of protein and the restriction of carbohydrate. Consuming too much protein places extra stress on the liver and kidneys because they have to metabolize and excrete more than normal amounts of waste products.. Due to extensive publicity, low carb diets have become increasingly popular. However there is considerable ambiguity over exactly what is low carbohydrate.
I lost 30 pounds in three months. I’m not an expert, but I do speak from experience. Most of this, I learned on my own or through close friends and family members. If you are seriously longing to lose weight .. read THIS to find out a healthier and fun alternative to the no carb diet to help you lose weight.
Article Source: - Can Low to No Carb Diets be Dangerous to Your Health? -
Low Carb Diet Alcohol - A Good Idea?
We've all read about the risk of alcoholic beverages, particularly if taken to excess. Yet for some of us who really want spirits to get us in the groove of daily living, or to enjoy parties or relaxing moments more but are wary about putting on additional weight, there are low carb diet alcohol options that could be suitable.
Whether you are fond of whiskies, vodka, gin which are manufactured by distilling a sort of lager made from grain ; or brandy which is made from fermented grape juice, or perhaps tequila which comes from the fermented pulp of the agave plant, there's a low carb diet alcohol recipe you can try, even at home.
For example, you can try mixing an ounce-and-a-half of vodka with a few oz of diet ginger ale with the juice of one fresh lime with some ice cubes and you have one no-guilt low-carb cocktail. There are numerous other recipes for low carb diet alcohol drinks, like one for a refreshing sugarfree margarita, that you can find even in online sites.
In the Protein Power Diet plan, which depends on counting carbs in everything to be ingested, certain alcoholic drinks are permitted, but some sweet reds, sweet rum and brandy are a no-no.
If you consult the masters of low carb diet plans that are popular nowadays, some will point out that wine is satisfactory, as are straight liquor like scotch, vodka, and gin but these must be sugarless. Hard liquor is claimed to give nothing more than empty calories, while some dry red or white wine come only with 3 to 4 carb grams.
Lose 20 Pounds In 30 Days - Just Check Out Our Low Carb Diet Plan For All The Information -
Article Source: - Low Carb Diet Alcohol - A Good Idea?
Kamis, 30 Juli 2009
How to Treat Arthritis
Arthritis is an extremely painful and potentially debilitating condition, which now affects over one in ten people in the developed world. It can lead to a reduced ability to carry out many of the essential tasks of daily life and often impair the sufferer's ability to do their job of work. There are many different types of arthritis, with varying symptoms, but most types involve some kind of inflammation of the joints, making movement difficult and often painful.
Treatment therefore should be directed towards the prevention or reduction of any debilitating damage that usually occurs during the early stage of rheumatoid arthritis. Treatment should also include patient rehabilitation. This will enable restoration of the patient's lost functions damaged during the early stage of the disease.
There are many solutions to try and help your arthritis, however they can really add up and get expensive. If you are looking for a cheap way to treat arthritis, then maybe you should look that getting a pair of arthritis gloves. Where you are looking at acquiring a pair gloves, there are quite a few things that you need to consider. Will you be wearing the gloves all the time, there are different kinds and you may need to buy more than one pair.
Pain relief is very important in the management of rheumatoid arthritis. This is usually done by the use of dry heat to the affected parts of the body. Pain relievers such as aspirin are often used as well.
One way that has been successful in easing the pain of arthritis is the application of hot compresses. Put hot water into a bowl. Make sure it is not too hot. Add three to six drops of an essential oil to the water. Make sure you use an oil with pain relieving properties such as chamomile, lavender or cinnamon. Put a sterile cotton cloth into the water. Wring out some excess water and place the cloth onto the bothersome area.
You may treat arthritis naturally with just 30 minutes of daily work out. But before you try any of the exercises it is advisable to consult your physician. As arthritis makes your bones weak so, your physician may let you know the kind of exercise that may be performed by you without any damages. You must perform some stretching exercises for 15 minutes.
Try massaging your fingers or other affected joints with coconut oil twice a day. Natural treatment for arthritis is usually a better choice because it's non-invasive to the body. Studies done on antioxidant vitamins question the value of these supplements; it's clearly better to consume these antioxidants in living foods because they may also need to work with other nutrients present in the foods to work properly.
Taking warm baths can offer relief from the discomfort and pain caused by arthritis as cold bathes may increase pain and discomfort. Many people also add Epson salts to warm bathwater - about three to four tablespoons. When taking such a bath make sure to stay in the water for a minimum of thirty minutes.
Surgical treatment. Surgery maybe recommended by your doctor in severe cases of hip joint problem. Surgical treatments include Osteotomy and Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA). Surgery is not for everybody, careful planning and diagnosis must be made before subjecting yourself under the knife.
Read About How to Treat Arthritis Also Read About Natural Treatment for Cracked Lips and Home Remedies for Body Rash
Article Source: - How to Treat Arthritis
Minggu, 12 Juli 2009
Allergy – A Better Understanding
Many have experience in their life to have allergy of different types from food, drugs, dust, pollen and other things in which can irritate your body. This irritation can cause our body to have skin rashes, asthma and anaphylactic shock.
First this is we need to understand what is allergy and why does it cause this effects in our body.
Allergy is described as hyperactive response of the immune system to certain foreign substance to our body may it be in touch, swallow, inhalation or injected. These substances are called allergens.
Simply If your body has been introduce through an unfamiliar substance such as eating of food, taking of new drug medication, dust, pollen or anything which can cause your body to react indifferently that may be a cause of allergy.
Allergy causes a person to have a severe discomfort and finding relief is very difficult. A person having this problem usually has swelling effect in the face and neck.
What are the known effects and how to take initial actions? There are three signs in which you are having allergy attack from your body.
Skin rashes is the first symptom that will come in mind, it is usually skin rashes which accompanied by other symptoms like fever or pain. Skin rashes cause severe discomfort or distress which lasts for more than 24 hours. The immediate treatment you can have is to apply cold compress or calamine lotion and never scratch the rashes.
Asthma is another symptom for allergy this effect can be noticed through difficulty with breathing. This may be from wheezing sound on breathing out, increased heart beat, increased pulse rate, speaking short sentences, and increasing anxiety and restlessness. How to initially treat this problem, if a person who is having an asthma attack has his inhaler let him take it until he finds comfort to be fine but if a person does not have an inhaler, let him lie down either on a table, or any comfortable support then provide a fresh air or just giving space which the person can breathe easily. Make sure to loosen any tighten clothes. Encourage the person to be calm and take even breaths.
Anaphylactic Shock is the most dangerous allergic response to foreign substance it is a serious condition that could be fatal. A person may notice such conditions as wide spread of body rash, swelling particularly on the face and neck. A person having this shock may also be experiencing profound anxiety, fast pulse, feeling of tight chest, difficulty breathing, and collapse and unconsciousness. In treating this problem, immediately rush the person to the nearest hospital.
Do not underestimate the problem of allergy especially if you think that you do not have this, every person can experience this problem.
Mark Louie Tobias
Learn more about Allergy and get a better understanding of how this Health Problem can be treated at Allergy HealthCare Products
Mark Louie Tobias is a Marketing Consultant for SafeTablet Your Online Pharmacy
Article Source: - Allergy – A Better Understanding
Why Teeth Turn Yellow
Teeth can turn yellow for several reasons: smoking, drinking dark colored beverages, antibiotics (tetracycline for example), aging, and genetics as well. All of these factors can very well contribute the dulling of your smile and the yellowing of your teeth, but how?
Cigarettes: small molecules from cigarette smoke attach themselves to the enamel of smokers' teeth while the smoke is being inhaled. These molecules accumulate over time and leave an unsightly yellow color on the teeth of smokers. These staining molecules are very difficult to remove and are the cause of the yellow stains on the teeth of smokers'.
Dark colored beverages: dark colored beverages yellow teeth in essentially the same manner as cigarettes. However, many dark colored beverages that we consume daily are slightly acidic and can aide the teeth yellowing process. The acid slowly breaks down portions of the tooth's enamel and over time, colored molecules attach themselves to the teeth. Also, the dentin is exposed through the lightly thinned enamel. Dentin is yellow in color and contributes to teeth yellowing as well.
Anitbiotics: antibiotics such as tetracycline taken during childhood while teeth were developing can contribute to the discoloration or slight greying of teeth as well. This is especially difficult to remove since the discoloration takes place within the teeth themselves. This is not impossible to treat but requires more attention and perhaps more sessions to remove.
Genetics: genetics play a significant role in the color of your teeth. Your genetics help determine the thickness of your enamel on your teeth and how the react to their environment (i.e. your mouth and what you put in it). Enamel is naturally white and the thicker it is, the whiter your teeth can appear.
Aging: The enamel on our teeth naturally thins as we age. Again, thin enamel lets the yellow color of the dentin underneath come through, making your teeth appear yellow. This, however, should not deter you from attempting achieve the best (whitest) results you can with your smile.
Rather, you can take hold and control the color of your smile by controlling what you eat and drink, and abstain form habits that will discolor your teeth. Cosmetic teeth whiting is very effective and you can achieve fantastic results in as little as 20-40 minutes, but it is up to you to maintain that new white smile. After you have whitened your teeth, you should eat healthy foods such as strawberries, cucumbers, and apples. These foods increase saliva which helps kill staining bacteria, and as a bonus, the fiber in these foods also cleans your teeth.
How do you Fight Acne on Your Back?
When we reach puberty and the acne breakouts start to happen to those of us that are unlucky, there is a group who will get acne on the back, shoulders and upper arms. The acne in these areas are basically caused by the same things that cause acne on the face but the real reasons are really not known. These areas can be harder to treat because there are more sebaceous glands here and the skin seems to be thicker.
As far as treating back acne or bacne as it is referred to, you need to keep clean as best as possible. Sweating may or may not be the cause but it would sure make since to wash as often as reasonable and after excessive sweating to keep the pores clear. You may even try occasionally exfoliating the back with one of those soft mesh type wash cloths.
Try using a medicated cream made for acne. Use one with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, you may find one works better for you than the other. Apply it to your skin after washing and give it time to dry before putting on a shirt, it may stain clothing. Also wear clean shirts as often as possible to help prevent reintroducing bacteria to the skin.
If you have a really tough case of acne it may be wise to see a dermatologist to help get rid of it. They would be able to prescribe stronger medicated creams or even an oral medication to clear it up.
Go to Treat Your Acne to discover more information on how to prevent and treat acne and pimples. Tim Archbold’s lifelong interests are Health and Fitness.
Article Source: - How do you Fight Acne on Your Back?
How to Detox THC from your body
There are many ways to complete a THC Detox. The minimum time they require are about 72 hours. THC is the chemical from marijuana that gives the person a high. THC can be in the user's body for up to a month. There are drinks that can hide the THC from showing during a test, but this is not the same as a THC detox. The THC will still show in your system after consuming the drink and its ability to hide the THC disappears. The main places where THC is stored are blood, urine, and hair. THC naturally detoxes from the body in about a 30 day period, but if a person needs to remove THC from his or her body more quickly, it can be done. It is a good idea to ask someone else who has taken one that worked because of all the different THC detox products on the market.
There are a lot of THC Detoxing kits available on the market. There are home tests that you can take yourself to see if you test positive for THC. These products you can get are shampoo that cleanses your hair of cemicals, THC Detox pills, detox drinks, and also a method of drinking cranberry juice and water. The prices for these cleanses can range from $25 to over $125. The method of drinking cranberry juice and water will cost you less than the other products. The issue with the last method is that it is not as reliable and not really known how fast it can detox your system of THC.
Because THC is stored in the hair, a normal THC detox will not remove it. If you are afraid of being tested by your hair follicles, then it is advised to purchase a special shampoo that removes toxins, including THC, from your hair.
Then there are the 24 hour drinks. These drinks can cost $40 a drink, and have instructions that are easy to follow. A lot of them will have a guarantee that says you will pass a THC test. Do not mistake these for a regular THC detox, as some of these drinks only hide THC from the tests. They require you to not eat a lot before you take the drink, and to drink water afterwards. It helps to urinate atleast three times while doing this method.
Packages for a THC detox can run up to $125 and include a self testing kit, THC detox drink, THC detox pills, tea, and THC hair detox shampoo. The time frame for this detox is around 10 days to complete, and it comes with a guarantee if you complete the whole 10 days as followed. You would begin by taking the pills, tea, and shampoo in the beginning days. The drink is saved for the day of the person is taking the test. The drink is effective 1 - 7 hours after you consume it. When preparing to consume the THC detox drink, it helps to drink water before and after to flush the toxins out.
All natural pills that are made for a THC detox cost up to $60. The process for detoxing the THC is around 7 days. The pills are made from natural herbs.
Last THC detox method you can do is drink a lot of water and cranberry juice. This method is primarily for people who aren't concerned about speed. I am unsure how fast this method flushes THC out of the body, but it is the least expensive.
To be certain you will test negative for THC, it is advised to stick with products that have a guarantee to work for a THC Detox.
For more THC detox methods you can visit the blog Here.
Article Source: - How to Detox THC from your body
Rabu, 24 Juni 2009
Health Topics for Youngsters
Now-a-days, living a healthy lifestyle is often the last priority for teenagers. Youngsters are living in indoor entertainment with technological advances such as video game systems, internet and television, and enjoying a convenient environment with advances such as vending machine and fast food. Such lifestyle prevents youngsters from getting and staying healthy. There are a wider range of health topics for youngsters.
Good health condition and positive thinking are must for youngsters if they really want to be successful. Youngsters must be aware of different health topics and self-management skills in order to thrive in the world of good health. The proper knowledge of health related topics such as relationships, depression, sex, drugs and alcohol brings out favorable and good results in the lifestyle of youngsters to lead much happier, more confident and more positive life.
Weight management is one of the main health topics for youngsters. Weight management begins with regular physical activity and healthy eating habits. The youngsters must discuss topics such as health and nutrition, types of physical activities, types of food, diet supplements, yoga, meditation, etc., which are means to be healthy. Youngsters must include sufficient amount of healthy items and avoid junk foods like pop and chips. They should not only be taught messages about good nutrition and physical activity, but they should also be provided a structure to support those things.
The importance of healthy lifestyle is also an important health topic for youngsters. Leading a healthy lifestyle in school, college, work place and life is very essential for youngsters to be successful. The topics discussing the adverse effects of smoking, alcohol and drug usage, and eating disorders, are important. All-day health and wellness forums are also conducted in the aim to educate youngsters about the means to lead a healthy lifestyle.
The sex related topic is another important health topic that most teenagers might hesitate to discuss with adults. But it is the role of parents and society to teach the importance of sex related issues such as abstinence, virginity, birth control, teen pregnancy
and sexually transmitted diseases.
The prevention and control of diseases is also an essential health topic for youngsters. The self confidence and self-management of youngsters facing health problems deteriorates. Living with health problems such as chronic disease during teenage can be a drastic experience. Teenagers with diseases such as asthma and diabetes feel uncomfortable for taking their medication in public places. The mental health problems among the youngsters have also witnessed a wide growth during these days. Youngsters are also facing chronic and age-related skin and other diseases now-a-days. Youngsters must be taught tips for preventing and controlling certain risks associated with vitamin deficiency, stress, depression, diseases such as asthma and diabetes, and skin diseases.
The health topics such as body changes, menstruation (for females only), contraception, pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases and eating disorders, must also be discussed among youngsters.
Youngsters obtain health care information from a wide variety of sources. It is important that parents and society must educate youngsters on making good choices related to health related issues. Youngsters must be taught the importance of health and wellness. Health services are there to provide general social work, counseling & support to youngsters. A number of health service programs are there to educate and help youngsters on issues related to different health topics. Educational programs related to health topics enable teenagers with chronic illnesses to manage their own condition while reducing their sense of isolation. Prevention and Wellness programs provide tips for preventing certain health problems and managing certain diseases. The health topic related workshops also help young people understand the importance of talking to health professionals rather than relying on their parents. Self-management programs for staying positive are designed for youngsters facing long-term health problems in order to improve their confidence and self-management skills.
Oz Zeldom is an expert author, who is presently working on the site about
medicine online,
medical encyclopedia. He has written many articles in various topics. For more information about medical reference. Visit our site
Article Source: - Health Topics for Youngsters
Selasa, 16 Juni 2009
Diabetes, Smoking, and Foot Problems: Is It All Related?
I am of the opinion that each individual has a right to make their own personal decisions about their health and well-being. For example, I choose to compete in Ironman triathlon events as a part of my health maintenance routine. Some doctors think that this is excessive and dangerous.
In the same way that I believe I have the right to make a decision to compete in these events, I believe that any individual has the right to choose to smoke. I don't personally care if you choose to smoke. Please keep in mind that the arguments against smoking that make have nothing to do with moral issues, only biological ones.
Cigarette smoke contains numerous identified chemicals and toxins that have specific detrimental effects on the body. In many cases, these negative effects are compounded when you have diabetes. By discussing the various effects that smoking has on the symptoms of diabetes and specifically the lower extremity, you will be able to make a more informed decision about whether or not you choose to smoke.
It is well known that smoking is a risk factor for heart disease. So is diabetes. But when you smoke, your blood pressure and heart rate both increase. This forces the heart to work much harder. In addition, the blood vessels in the heart itself are actually constricted as a result of smoking. This places you at increased risk of a heart attack.
In a very similar fashion, smoking can reduce the amount of blood circulation in the feet and legs. This also is already a problem with diabetes. But instead of causing a heart attack, smoking puts you at higher risk for poor circulation, which can lead to slow wound healing, painful cramping, and even gangrene that can lead to a diabetic foot amputation.
Not only does smoking slow down the blood flow, but it also so decreases the amount of oxygen delivered to the tissues. Toxic chemicals in cigarette smoke, specifically carbon monoxide, permanently block oxygen transfer sites on the red blood cells that actually carry the oxygen down to the tissues in your feet. Think of a red blood cell as a car that holds four passengers. If three out of the four seats are occupied by carbon monoxide molecules, there is only one spot left for an oxygen molecule. And it stays this way until that red blood cell dies.
Any time a bone is fractured or has surgery, the healing process in the bone is dramatically reduced. We know that if a patient smokes, they have a 2.7 times higher risk of not healing after bone surgery or fractures as compared to non-smokers. For this reason, I never perform elective foot surgery on a smoker.
Anyone with diabetes is at risk of developing diabetic foot ulcers or open wounds. Smoking simply slows wound healing dramatically. When you develop an open diabetic foot ulcer, the white blood cells are the part of the immune system that fight off infection and the fibroblasts are the cells to grow new tissue to close the wound. Both have to work properly in order for a wound to heal. Smoking directly affects the function of the healing cells known as fibroblasts. Smoking also weakens the immune system.
Smoking also decreases the rate at which new blood vessels can form in an area surrounding a wound. The growth of new blood vessels is necessary in order to allow tissue to heal. Simply put, no new blood flow equals no wound healing. The longer a wound stays open, the more likely it will become infected and lead to an amputation.
Now that it is clear that cigarette smoking and slow wound healing and make it more likely that you will have a diabetic foot amputation, what should you do? The obvious answer is to quit smoking. However, we all know that quitting smoking is very difficult.
The good news in all of this is that you might not have to tell yourself you are courting forever. In one study of patients that had surgery, it was shown that if a person had quit smoking for four weeks, the wound infection rates were the same in those that stopped smoking as those that had never smoked.
Another study showed that quitting smoking two weeks before surgery was effective in reducing the risk of postoperative problems to the same level as those that had never smoked.
There was also a study that evaluated bone healing and quitting smoking. In the study smokers were instructed to stop smoking one week before surgery and continue to abstain from smoking until the bone surgery healed. When they quit only one week before surgery, their bones healed just as quickly as people that had never smoked at all.
You should know that nicotine is harmful to bone healing, wound healing, as well as diabetic foot circulation. Nicotine replacement therapies such as nicotine gum and patches are certainly better than smoking, because they contain fewer chemicals and toxins. But if possible, you should avoid smoking as well as nicotine substitutes, while healing is taking place.
You should realize that even if you have tried to stop smoking before and found it difficult, you only need to stop for a period of time to allow healing to take place. This may make it easier for you to realize that you don't have to stop smoking forever just to avoid a diabetic foot amputation.
Dr. Christopher Segler is an award winning diabetic foot specialist. He believes that diabetic foot amputations result from a faulty health care system. He thinks doctors should take the time to provide patient education that can prevent amputations. You can learn more by requesting your FREE report "No Leg Left To Stand On: The Secrets Insurance Companies Don't Want You To Know About Diabetic Foot Amputation" at
Article Source: - Diabetes, Smoking, and Foot Problems: Is It All Related?
Swine H1N1 Flu:2009
Swine flu , now known as the 2009 H1N1 flu, is caused by the orthomyxovirus which usually affects pigs but viral mutations allows the virus to cross species to other hosts like humans. The swine influenza virus (SIV) is another example of cross species viral infection which was previously seen with other Zoonotic infections like in civets to humans SARS or Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome and from birds to humans as seen with avian (bird) flu. Senior Vet.Officer,Central Veterinary Laboratory Kathmandu Nepal M.V.St. Preventive Veterinary Mrdicine Article Source: - Swine H1N1 Flu:2009
Unlike SARS and bird flu, swine flu has mutated to the point where the virus can now spread from human-to-human. This current mutation is the cause of the global scare of the recent 2009 outbreak which is feared to become a pandemic. With the popularity of air travel, infected passengers from one region can easily travel to other nations and result in new outbreaks occurring in regions that were not prone to swine flu.
The current human-to-human transmission of swine flu is caused by droplet spread through the contact with infected body fluids as in saliva or mucus when sneezing.
How is Swine Flu H1N1 Spread?
The incubation period (time between exposure and onset of symptoms) is still uncertain, but it appears to be 3-4 days.
All flus are spread by droplets that spray out as a person sneezes or coughs. You can catch Swine Flu H1N1 or any flu virus if:
1. You are standing within three feet of an uncovered cough or sneeze and droplets make contact with you or if you inhale them.
2. The droplets land on hard surfaces, like a desk top or keyboard. Even after the droplet dries a flu virus could live for over an hour. You can catch the virus by touching an infected surface then touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.
3. You can give to the flu to somebody else by touching their eyes, nose, or mouth if the virus is on your hand.
4. Somebody coughs sneezes or blows their nose into a tissue, and the wet tissue makes contact with their hand or the tissue tears and the contents make contact with their hand. If they touch hard surfaces or shake hands before they wash their hands then they could spread a virus. Flu viruses can also be spread by handling a contaminated cloth handkerchief then touching people or surfaces.
5. An infected person touches their eyes, nose or mouth then touches other surfaces, objects or people before washing their hands.
This is not the same Swine Flu virus people were immunized against in the 1970's. There is a vaccine for the 2009 Swine Flu Influenza A H1N1 virus under development but even with fast tracking it will take months before it is ready for human trial.
Swine Flu H1N1 is not spread by pigs and you cannot catch Swine Flu H1N1 by eating pork or using medications that are derived from pigs (porcine).
Symptoms of Swine Flu
Swine flu infection causes symptoms that are similar to the symptoms of influenza infection as seen during the annual ‘flu’ season. This may result in many cases of swine flu being misdiagnosed as a common cold or the ‘flu’ and if infected persons do not seek professional medical treatment, the infection can spread further in the general population.
The general symptoms of swine flu include:
1. Fever with or without chills.
2. Sore throat.
3. Respiratory symptoms, usually a cough or less frequently as dyspnoea (difficulty breathing) or pneumonia.
4. Fatigue and lethargy
5. Myalgia (general body aches)
6. Headaches
7. Diarrhea
8. Vomiting
The current swine flu epidemic has seen gastrointestinal symptoms like diarrhea and vomiting that are more severe than previous swine flu outbreaks. Unfortunately these gastrointestinal symptoms may often be misdiagnosed as a ‘gastric flu’ and it is important to consult with your medical practitioner if your symptoms persist.
Preventing the Spread of Swine Flu H1N1
According to the CDC, proper hand washing is the most effective means of preventing the spread of disease.
1. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers are also considered effective.
2. Use disposable tissues, clean your hands after every use.
3. Cough into your elbow or shoulder if you do not have a tissue.
4. Preventative treatments (such as Tamiflu) are not recommended for healthy people as this could potentially lead to resistance. Only seek treatment if you have symptoms.
5. People with flu- like symptoms should avoid public places. If your child's school is closed do not place your child in group settings such as daycare.
6. If there are confirmed cases in your area, limit exposure by avoiding public places and clean your hands often while out and upon returning home.
7. An infected person is contagious about 1 day before they have symptoms so follow proper hand washing guidelines or use alcohol based hand sanitizers often to prevent the accidental spread of the flu.
8. The contagious period lasts for about 7 days after symptoms start, probably longer in children.
About the Author:
Selasa, 09 Juni 2009
Five Tips on How to do Meditation
Meditation is a great way to relax yourself, but meditation also has many other benefits to enhance your life. Meditation means to take a break away from your daily life, from your job, from your concerns, and so on. It means to turn off your mobile phone, turn off may be your telephone and really practice meditation by yourself. Let your computer and your e-mails wait for a minute. And really give yourself some time to do meditation.
Recent research has shown that meditating twice per day for about 10 minutes can reduce stress and other bad side effects of having a hectic life style.
Here are 5 great tips on how to do meditation. Using these tips can help you greatly in starting to meditate. Here are the 5 tips!
1. Where should I meditate?
You should have special place or corner or room in your house or in the place where you meditate. You might want to furnish those areas with special objects that have a spiritual meaning for you that will help you to do your meditation.
Make sure that the place where you do your meditation is quiet, where you have no disturbances such as telephone or other noises. Also make sure that other people know that this is the place where you spend time with yourself, where you do your meditation so you do not get disturbed when you are in this area.
A great way to enhance your meditation is to make sure that the smells are nice. That may be some aroma, incense or some candles to really give that special effect and enhance the feeling of spirituality. Another great place to meditate is in nature. For example you might have a place near a beach or in the woods where you can be quiet and undisturbed and really enjoy nature together with your meditation. Great experiences can be achieved when you meditate in nature. So if you have the opportunity please do it!
2. How should I sit when I do my meditation?
The classic posture is to sit with legs folded and hands resting quietly on the lap or on your knees. This is the classic way but to really do meditation effectively you need to find your own posture to do your meditation. The posture needs to give you a sense of concentration. And at the same time it needs to be comfortable enough.
Now make sure that the balance is right between being concentrated and being comfortable. If you are too concentrated it might be painful which will prevent you from doing more and more meditation. If the posture is too comfortable chances are that you will fall asleep and do no meditation at all. So keep the balance between the two, find a position that is comfortable enough but not too comfortable so you will fall asleep.
This is your meditation so there is no right or wrong way to how to sit or stand to do meditation. But practice and find out which posture is the best for you? You might just want to sit on a chair, cross your legs and sit on the floor or walk around gently in a room. It is up to you, try a few different postures and see which one gives you the greatest benefit.
3. Should my eyes be open or closed?
Some meditations will tell you to close your eyes, other meditations will tell you to open your eyes. Again what is important is what are you comfortable with and what give you the best results. That is the key, what gives you the best benefits when you do your meditation. Some people will keep their eyes closed, and will have great meditation.
Other people will not have good experience when they close their eyes and will fall asleep. For some people it is better to keep their eyes open and do meditation that way. If you keep your eyes closed the biggest danger is to fall sleep. It is very easy when you get some feelings and experiences in meditation to dose off and fall asleep.
So if you keep your eyes closed make sure that you sit in an alert position. This could be on the chair or with your legs folded on the floor. The main thing is to sit up straight, do not be too comfortable because you will fall asleep.
The same goes for when you close your eyes to do your meditation, meditating with your eyes open means to keep your eyes slightly open, it is really like day dreaming. So again there is a slight danger that you will fall asleep. It is easier not to fall asleep when you keep your eyes open during your meditation. But you still need to sit in an alert position. So be comfortable but be alert to sit up straight.
4. How long should I meditate?
Most people will say you need to meditate between 10 and 20 minutes twice a day. That is a very good routine, again it is up to you or you are comfortable with what give you the best results.
If it is 5, 10, 15 or 20 minutes to maintain is that you get benefits. Some people will take more benefit by meditating 10 minutes. Other people just need 5 minutes to do their meditation and get great results. Other people want meditate for 20 minutes.
The time is not the most important. The most important is that you do your meditation on a regular basis. Twice a day is very much a good routine. So if you meditate twice a day for five minutes or if you meditate twice a day for ten minutes or for twenty minutes.
The key is that you do your meditation on a regular basis. What will happen is when you do meditation for example for ten minutes a day you really feel the benefit, you will keep it up and you will keep doing it. And you might increase the duration of your meditation from ten minutes to fifteen minutes or twenty minutes. So start off gently but keep a daily routine.
5. Should I have music or not?
Some people like to have some gentle relaxing music in the background when they do their meditation, other people just like to have pure quietness. You need to try it out, do some meditation with some gentle relaxation music in the back ground and see the results. Then do a meditation with just silence and again see the results. The best way is actually to have a balance, start off your meditation with some gentle relaxation music in the background. Then have some nice silence to really enjoy your meditation. And again have some gentle relaxation music now and then to enhance your meditation.
That is it! Those are some great tips to get you on your way to do some great meditation. Enjoy!
For more info : or click here : Learn How To Meditate
Article Source: - Five Tips on How to do Meditation
Meditation for a Better Life
Are you one of those unlucky people that dread turning the light off at night due to a constant struggle to get to sleep? Meditation aids in quieting and clearing the mind. When your mind is quiet, you feel peaceful and have a better chance of experiencing a good night's sleep as well as a more balanced life.
Anyone can apply meditation to their daily lives to achieve a calmer and more relaxed state of mind, even during stressful periods in their lives. Meditation has been described by many as a state of “restful alertness” which means that although your metabolism slows down like it would when you are sleeping; you are still awake and conscious. This allows your mind to remain clear from your usual continuous thoughts.
Meditation trains the mind and with repeated practice of the art a greater sense of control is experienced. In some cases meditation can aid in bringing to surface dormant tensions. By identifying these tensions and becoming more aware of them one is able to take control of them as well as other external pressures. If focus is kept on the present, less emphasis is placed on past and future worries, and success and self fulfillment is more achievable.
Furthermore, meditation has been proven to keep you feeling younger. With repeated meditation, a person's metabolism is enhanced and the probability of falling ill from certain life threatening disorders is less likely. There is however a variety of meditation forms, and one needs to find the meditation style that suits them the best. You should notice the difference that meditation plays in your life as soon as you have found a meditation type that complements you.
Breath awareness is one of the most important and usually the first steps in your journey to meditation. To practice breath awareness you can follow the following easy steps:
1. Sit down in a comfortable position on a flat surface with your legs crossed and your hands resting on your knees.
2. Close your eyes and relax. Slowly focus all your attention on your natural breathing. Notice how it feels, sounds, how fast you are breathing as well as any pauses and changes that you feel in your breathing. The main point here is to focus completely on your breathing only.
3. If you feel that you start thinking about something else, slowly move your focus back to your breathing. It will become easier to keep focus through time and practice.
4. Complete these steps for a few minutes, and then slowly increase the time in your next meditation session.
5. Do not end the meditation session abruptly but rather stay relaxed with your eyes closed for a couple of minutes and slowly reflect on how you are feeling. You should feel calmer than when you started your meditation process.
Practice this simple meditation process on a daily basis and you should notice positive changes occurring in both your daily life and within your precious sleeping patterns.
Find spas and more wellness related information at:
Writer for Health Spa Guru: Spas at Health Spa Guru
Article Source: - Meditation for a Better Life
How to Live a Natural and Healthful Life
Today's world is chaotic and busy. But that doesn't mean we can't take the time to make our daily living as healthful as possible. Here are some small things you can do to have a more natural and balanced life, even on a tight schedule or budget.
1. Relax. Whether it's five minutes of deep breathing or making the time for a favorite hobby, relaxation is the most important step toward total wellness. We are not designed for prolonged, excessive stress. It compromises our immune systems, tampers with our emotional centers, and exacerbates our illnesses. Our bodies need down time. So, however you can manage it, it is imperative to take time for yourself and relax.
2. Eat well, and often. Give your body the best possible fuel for the best possible performance. Our moods, energy levels, and internal functions are dependent on a steady blood sugar level. 4-5 small daily meals provide this constancy, as opposed to three large, spaced-out meals. Also, a diet filled with a variety of colorful vegetables and fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins, is the most natural and satisfying diet for the human body.
3. Stay positive. An optimistic outlook can make all the difference in your physical and emotional well-being. Make a mental list every morning of all of the positive things in your life, including even the smallest points. Reflect on them throughout the day.
5. Stay close to nature. As human beings, connecting to nature makes us feel whole and satisfied. So plant a garden, find a favorite park, or take up hiking. The closer you feel to the natural world, the better you will identify with your own natural needs.
For more information on healthy living, visit
For more information on all natural living, visit
Article Source: - How to Live a Natural and Healthful Life
Emotional Health: Life, Love, And The Pursuit Of Happiness
Just what is emotional health? How can I have good emotional health?
1. Take care of yourself.
Believe it or not taking care of your body also helps take care of your mental health. Watch your diet! Eating too much of one food, having too much caffeine or having too little protein can have a negative influence on your emotional health. Exercising your body also gives you a stronger, confident sense of self. The simple act of walking has been proven to be connected to your mental health. Get up and move!
Don't forget to sleep! Sleep is an integral part of mental health and may even be more important that what you eat. Not getting enough sleep can actually change your personality, so work on saving that time. Take 8 hours just for your sleep so you can approach the day with better emotional/mental health.
2. Develop good relationships with friends and family.
Feeling alone is worse than being alone when you know there are people out there who love you. Part of not feeling alone is taking it upon yourself to create and maintain good relationships with others. This is just one way in which you maintain a support system.
Having a support system is like having a wall with people standing on either side to keep it standing. Sometimes we want to be that to others, but we need to be able to allow others to be our support as well.
3. Follow the Doctor's orders!
It may be that you take some medication. If you take medication, don't stop taking it without asking the doctor for permission. Sometimes medicine has two purposes. Some Epilepsy medications may also act as a mood stabilizer, so going off of it may impair your mental and physical health.
Also, if you do not take the medicine you need, your health may become worse. If you are taking medicine to maintain your mental health, remember that it works because you are feeling OK and it is not that you don't need the medicine.
4. Set Goals
When you look towards the future, what do you see yourself doing in the near one year down the road. How about 5 years, 10 years? Setting a goal gives you something to work towards, it allows you to see what can be if you want it bad enough!
5. Do something for others! Do something for you!
Many times you will hear, you need to take 5 minutes and do something just for you. Try doing for others instead. Unselfish acts of caring and generosity can provide you with an emotional charge that will "kick start" you through the week.
If you seem to be spending a lot of time doing for others and still have a high stress level, try doing something for just you. If doing something for you means you need to take a nap, have some alone time, take a vacation, these actions for you are important. They are opportunities to recharge your batteries and prepare for the next adventure in life.
Visit the site of author Mark D. Houston - Drug and Alcohol Recovery for more information.
Article Source: - Emotional Health: Life, Love, And The Pursuit Of Happiness
Cooperating In Our Health Care
Funny thing pain, if you’ve never had a severe pain then the suggestion of taking simple analgesia and resting the affected area all seems quite reasonable. I was reminded of this when I read recently of a doctor’s advice to someone who was suffering from sciatica. Having personally experienced sciatica, it’s a condition I would not recommend to anyone who wishes to walk, sit, laugh, sleep, or to just simply pull up your trousers. It’s a bit like a dentist drilling your teeth without an anaesthetic, but it affects your whole leg. In other words the pain is consuming, exhausting and without respite. Clinical studies do show that in the majority of cases the pain will eventually subside and surgery may not be necessary, but in the meantime the patient has to deal with the pain or deal with the medication required to dull the pain. Remember, pain-killers are not selective to the area affected. They affect the whole of the nervous system and elsewhere so there may be significant side-effects from these medications.
Dealing with severe pain can be a complex issue, but I suggest that you have to treat this sort of pain fairly aggressively as acute severe pain is relatively easier to treat than chronic severe pain. In the early stages of an injury or insult to an area of the body, most of the pathological processes are happening at the site of the injury or insult. Throughout time the brain begins to modulate this pain and so no only do you have the injured area to deal with, but you also have complex neural pathways within the brain to deal with as well. This often means a far more complex management plan and a far more protracted recovery time. Specialists are very skilled at dealing with these issues but they do rely heavily on the stories their patients give them. That means being honest in answering their questions and not being heroic with a grin and bear it grimace! Often the use of a pain scale is helpful with zero being no pain at all and a 10 being the worse pain you have ever experienced.
Another health issue we commonly down play is influenza. Over the years I have frequently heard people say that they would not have the flu vaccine because either they never get the flu or that they had it last week for a couple of days and then it was all over! Influenza is a serious debilitating disease that will usually last from 10 days to two weeks and often leave you flat on your back exhausted. It’s not a happy 10 days either as patients do not have the energy to read a magazine or even watch a DVD. You will literally feel ancient with every movement being a real challenge and that doesn’t include the aching all over or the fevers and sleepless nights. The influenza virus is also extremely contagious and most people are unaware that if you spread it to someone who is more frail than yourself that you may actually be putting their life at risk.
With the ‘flu the big challenge is to vaccinate as many people in the community as possible, including children, those employed and unemployed, the elderly and the infirm, to reduce the chance of an epidemic occurring. Recent research has also showed that vaccinating pregnant women in the last trimester of their pregnancy will help protect their new born infants born during the ‘flu season.
Medicine has evolved over the last 40 years, but the change has been fairly slow with doctors by nature being very cautious and conservative people. But we can’t leave the doctors to take all the initiatives. As patients we need to be good listeners in our approach to health by heeding all the great health messages that keep being given to us about vaccinations, smoking, alcohol, exercise and healthy eating. We also need to be good communicators and tell our doctors how we are feeling with conditions such as pain. If the team treating you doesn’t have the best information then it may be that you will not end up getting the best treatment!
Tips For Walking For Health
Everyone knows that exercise is essential for good health. Our bodies require both physical and mental exercise to maintain good health. There are many ways to exercise, but only a few low stress ways to exercise.
A low physical stress activity that is easily available to all is walking. A brisk 30 minute walk on a daily basis will improve our blood circulation as well as our lung function. Walking also burns calories and helps us to maintain an optimum weight. Walking is usually not harsh on the body's joints or any other body parts.
When walking, try to exercise in an area with relatively clean air and try to avoid hard pavement when possible. Grass or dirt is preferable to concrete or asphalt.
The idea is to walk fast enough for one's heartbeat to achieve between 50% and 75% of the maximum. When first starting a walking exercise program it is best to establish a goal of 50% of one's maximum heartbeat and then gradually work up to 75% .
It is easy to determine the maximum heartbeat for a healthy person. It is 220 minus your age. A healthy 30 year-old person's maximum heartbeat would be 220-30 = 190. In this example, of a 30 year-old person just starting a walking for health program, the goal is to maintain a heartbeat of 50% of maximum or 95 beats per minute.
To check your heartbeat, stop momentarily and place two fingers on your carotid artery located on your neck on either side of the center (Adams apple). You then simply count the beats for 10 seconds and multiply by six. If the heartbeat is too fast, it would be prudent to slow down a bit or if it is too slow then one should increase their walking pace.
The idea with any walking for health program is to start slowly and then gradually increase the pace or duration of the walk. The positive health benefits of a walking program, in addition to the obvious improvements in heart and lung health, are that one will sleep more restfully and be able to more effectively engage in activities that require concentration. The benefits of walking for better health are well documented and it is an activity that can be done individually or with family and friends. Have fun and achieve better health!
Tips For Making Walking More Enjoyable
Walk with friends. Find an exercise buddy that will go walking with you. This allows you to talk and enjoy good company while you are walking.
Listen to music. Find some great music to listen to while you walk, and put it on your MP3 player or portable CD player.
Find scenic walking trails. You likely have some parks or trails near you that would offer you great scenery while you walk. Walking alongside a river or stream can be particularly enjoyable.
Walk your pet. If you have a dog, take he or she for walks with you when you go for a walk. You can enjoy a bit of companionship and play with your dog while you walk.
Emotional Health: Life, Love, And The Pursuit Of Happiness
1. Take care of yourself.
Believe it or not taking care of your body also helps take care of your mental health. Watch your diet! Eating too much of one food, having too much caffeine or having too little protein can have a negative influence on your emotional health. Exercising your body also gives you a stronger, confident sense of self. The simple act of walking has been proven to be connected to your mental health. Get up and move!
Don't forget to sleep! Sleep is an integral part of mental health and may even be more important that what you eat. Not getting enough sleep can actually change your personality, so work on saving that time. Take 8 hours just for your sleep so you can approach the day with better emotional/mental health..............
About the Author:
Visit the site of author Mark D. Houston - Drug and Alcohol Recovery for more information.
Article Source: - Emotional Health: Life, Love, And The Pursuit Of Happiness
2. Develop good relationships with friends and family.
Feeling alone is worse than being alone when you know there are people out there who love you. Part of not feeling alone is taking it upon yourself to create and maintain good relationships with others. This is just one way in which you maintain a support system.
Having a support system is like having a wall with people standing on either side to keep it standing. Sometimes we want to be that to others, but we need to be able to allow others to be our support as well.
3. Follow the Doctor's orders!
It may be that you take some medication. If you take medication, don't stop taking it without asking the doctor for permission. Sometimes medicine has two purposes. Some Epilepsy medications may also act as a mood stabilizer, so going off of it may impair your mental and physical health.
Also, if you do not take the medicine you need, your health may become worse. If you are taking medicine to maintain your mental health, remember that it works because you are feeling OK and it is not that you don't need the medicine.
4. Set Goals
When you look towards the future, what do you see yourself doing in the near one year down the road. How about 5 years, 10 years? Setting a goal gives you something to work towards, it allows you to see what can be if you want it bad enough!
5. Do something for others! Do something for you!
Many times you will hear, you need to take 5 minutes and do something just for you. Try doing for others instead. Unselfish acts of caring and generosity can provide you with an emotional charge that will "kick start" you through the week.
If you seem to be spending a lot of time doing for others and still have a high stress level, try doing something for just you. If doing something for you means you need to take a nap, have some alone time, take a vacation, these actions for you are important. They are opportunities to recharge your batteries and prepare for the next adventure in life.
Rabu, 03 Juni 2009
The Yoga Way to Health and Well Being
Yoga is not a recent practice. It is a practice which through time, has developed and increased in significance and appeal worldwide. The rationale behind the appeal is greatly to do with the physical and psychological benefits experienced when integrating yoga into one's daily schedule. Yoga can be viewed as a breath of fresh air in this fast paced lifestyle that we live in.
The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit language and means “to integrate”. Yoga promotes a harmonious working together of the body's components leading to both physical and mental training. Despite the fact that there are numerous forms of yoga; Hatha Yoga is still presently seen as one of the more commonly practiced yoga styles. Hatha Yoga consists of non strenuous physical exercise which aids in strengthening, stretching and balancing the body's joints. Regular breathing is performed at the same time which aids in providing oxygen to the muscles, and in turn positively affects bodily structures and organs. The awareness required during yoga practice, ensures that mind and body have to work together to create a mind-body harmony which in turn promotes healing.
Yoga will not be a quick fix for all your aches, worries and pains. However, with regular yoga practice your body will rebalance slowly and steadily, leaving you discovering the results for yourself. Physical benefits which you can anticipate are improved efficiency of the lungs, better use of your respiratory muscles, improved flexibility of the joints, improved coordination and muscle tone, maintenance of bone density, reduced risk of injury as well as the prevention of weight gain. Psychological benefits can also include an increase in self-confidence, decreased cravings for tobacco and food, better sleep, an increased ability to relax, improved concentration as well as a reduced likelihood of depression. Yoga differentiates itself from other exercises as it draws on the entire person as a whole.
Half an hour of yoga a day, or 15 minutes of yoga twice a day, can easily be incorporated into any daily schedule. Some breathing techniques can even be practiced while working or driving home after a long day. A short routine for those of you spending hours staring at a computer screen is to take a few moments every day to glance at a distant object. This allows your eyes a moments rest from glare and a change of focus. Look left and right, up and down at least 5 times, blink at least 8 times to moisten your eyes and if it is at all possible, rest your elbows on a comfortable surface and close your eyes whilst covering them with the palm of your hands. If you can incorporate this with or without some breathing exercises, you will already be on the way to a healthier and possibly more focused lifestyle.
Baby steps one expects you to transform overnight.
Find spas and more wellness related information at:
About the Author:Writer for Health Spa Guru: Spas at Health Spa Guru
Article Source: - The Yoga Way to Health and Well Being
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Kamis, 14 Mei 2009
Use Hypnotic Treatment For Depression
The cause of depression is not primarily biological, even though it is popularly believed to be. This is a myth. All depression is not rooted in biology – only some is. Most of our anxieties, phobias and traumas that lead to depression are based in personal and deeply ingrained beliefs. Hypnotic treatment for depression has the ability to retrain the unconscious mind into learning new behaviors and beliefs that will lead to dispelling depression.
Hypnotic treatment for depression will help to modify the deeply held belief and make change possible. A change of state is crucial to coming out of depression, and the persistent low mood and depressed state of mind can be altered using hypnotic treatment for depression. Hypnosis is deeply involved in the causality and treatment of depression.
The creation and maintenance of a belief system is done via hypnotic phenomena, thus the treatment of depression lies in changing these deeply held beliefs using hypnotic treatment for depression. It is a myth that hypnosis can be dangerous to depressed people; in fact the polar opposite is true as hypnotic treatment for depression helps to cure depression by reaching deep into its roots and eliminating or altering the same. The only and very important exception is for those who are so severely depressed that they are suicidal and/or in a stage of de-compensation.
Hypnotic treatment for depression helps to alter and improve deeply ingrained beliefs about the client’s past, future, present, and even their parents (because the childhood experiences form central part of the depression experienced in adulthood). Perceptions of current events, issues of faith, conflict, insecurities, anxiety, and feelings of worthlessness can all be addressed using hypnotic treatment for depression.
Many depressed people go through the additional problems of insomnia, weight problems, stress, smoking, lack of confidence, diabetes, ignorance about how to go about curing their depression, resentment and anger – all of which hypnotic treatment for depression can solve, through diligent and consistent focus and practice.
It is advisable not to jump into all this at once, but take baby steps. First, address the insomnia using hypnotic treatment for depression. Feeling better will lead to a happier frame of mind; move on to more problems, going into deeper and deeper perceptions and experiences until you reach the core of the problem and then solve it using hypnotic treatment for depression.
Most importantly, hypnotic treatment for depression will change your perception regard depression, your own self image, your life and the reasons that make you feel depressed. Hypnotic treatment for depression will help you along, and keep giving you ideas on how to get better, while giving you hope for a better future the whole time.
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Dangers Of Essential Oils Used In Aromatherapy
Its primary benefit lies in the fact that it can soothe the muscles and relax the body. Essential oils and the process of aromatherapy in particular is often used as a tool for people to de-stress themselves. It is also used to ease headaches and several aches and pains, which for most people, are caused not by any physical disorder but an emotional or mental one.
Some essential oils are also great for combating sickness as they are known to have antiseptic properties and are immune system stimulants. There are also a variety that is great for the skin and are good in treating cuts and burns as well as skin problems.
But although these essential oils are beneficial to the body, there are instances when they can be dangerous. Not all people can use essential oils or practice aromatherapy. Some have allergies while others are just plain not cut out to use them. Here are some of the instances when aromatherapy should not be used.
1. People who have health problems like asthma, high blood pressure and epilepsy are advised not to use essential oils or practice aromatherapy unless they are under the supervision of their doctors. That is why it is important that you tell your doctors of your plans or of your habits when having a check. That way, they will be able to advise you about it.
2. People who are under medications should also avoid using aromatherapy. Essential oils, as mentioned before, can relax the muscles and the body. If you are taking medication that also relaxes the body, this can be a double whammy. Make sure that your medications can be used alongside aromatherapy. Ask your doctor about it.
3. There are certain oils that are not good for women who are pregnant, particularly when they are in the first trimester. But to be really sure, pregnant women should avoid these oils for the duration of the pregnancy: Arnica, Camphor, Santolina, Sassafras, Pennyroyal, Wormseed, Spanish Broom, Wormwood, and Mustard. Safe oils are lavender, jasmine, rose, chamomile and Sandalwood.
4. There are essential oils on the market that are not really what they seem. Some use poisonous and toxic plants as sources. When buying essential oils for aromatherapy, make sure that you only buy from reputable stores and manufacturers.
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Rabu, 06 Mei 2009
Thyroid, Adrenals, & Immunity – A Clear Path to Surviving Swine Flu
The myopic public health machine is clinging to their anti-viral drugs and future experimental vaccines as their great hope for minimizing a potential Swine flu pandemic. It is a paradigm of
assistance that woefully falls short. What the public really needs is credible immune system information that not only helps overcome the fear of this flu, but also provides tangible steps to take in addition to hand washing, hygiene, and reducing potential exposure. In the case of a pandemic, everyone will be exposed.
The million dollar question is: What determines immune system fitness?
Our bodies are used to fighting infection and we have very advanced weaponry or we as a race would not have survived earlier battles. Your body is the superpower, not the virus. Do you know how to unleash your potential?
Fundamental to any aspect of health is energy. You must have energy to do anything and you must have lots of energy to effectively prevent an infection or to mount an efficient immune response. Your immune system in a time of need is an energy intense operation.
Your brain coordinates your deployment of energetic resources during a time of infection, as commander and chief. The language it uses is heavily reliant on a system of short-lived immune system signals called cytokines. Cytokines are communication molecules that share connections between your nervous system, your immune system, your thyroid function, and your adrenals.
Cytokines are involved in inflammation
Intruder Alert
Just as you would be somewhat panicked by a stranger entering your home, your body sends out 911 signals to the command and control center of your brain (hypothalamus gland) once an infection has been identified. In essence, your body is preparing for battle and is going on high alert. This initial process is highly inflammatory and is a vital part of ramping up your defense system. It is initiated by cytokine signals cross-talking between immune cells and your hypothalamus gland.
Because this process is highly inflammatory your brain knows that it will need an extra supply of anti-inflammatory lubrication to keep things cooled off, like making sure you have enough oil in your car engine to keep it running faster without overheating. In your body, this function is performed by your adrenal glands. Thus, cytokines directly talk to your hypothalamic/pituitary/adrenal axis and tell it to ramp up production of inflammation-quenching lubricant (cortisol).
What happens if you are already low on adrenal lubricant? In other words, what if you are already stressed out, tired, fatigued, anxious, irritable, and in a general trend of wear and tear? Answer - there is no way you will make lubricant in the proper amount because your system is either out of shape or already running on a credit card that is overdrawn.
This problem is what would set you up for being more at risk for a cytokine storm. During an intense infection your body must balance the need to make highly inflammatory compounds with the need to protect your body from the inflammation. If the infection is intense, you must make a lot of inflammatory compounds. If you don’t have an adequate supply of relaxation reserves because you have already spent them on day-to-day living, you could be in trouble.
This may be a wake up call for many people to find better balance in their lives, especially at the time of a potential pandemic flu. Depleting yourself from stress or pushing it too hard in general, especially when combined with a lack of quality sleep, puts your immune system at a significant disadvantage.
The best way to test the health of this system is to do some aerobic exercise. In this case the stress of the exercise actually activates the same higher need for anti-inflammatory reserves - raising your cortisol up to five times normal resting value. Cortisol at this level then activates endorphins and you get a runner’s high (or at least feel refreshed). Too much exercise will tire you out and those who aren’t fit enough to exercise are also of questionable fitness to fight an infection.
By the way, if you feel on the verge of fighting a bug, cut back on intensity or eliminate aerobics until you are done fighting the infection. This is because the aerobics demand is too intense when your body needs to also activate an immune response.
There are many nutrients you can use to boost adrenals, including a high protein breakfast, pantethine, Q10, magnesium, B complex, and vitamin C. There are also numerous nutrients that can help your adrenals quench inflammation, including quercetin, bromelain, and curcumin - to name a few. Of course, there is no making up for a lack of sleep. For a more comprehensive discussion please see my adrenal and sleep health topic pages.
Energetic Competence
The next issue of great importance is the function of your thyroid system, as it facilitates the pace at which energy can be produced by your body. Many individuals struggle with poorly functioning thyroid and this is a clear weakness that can handicap available energy, especially during a time of increased energy need such as fighting an infection.
Relatively new science has pinpointed how the toxins coming from infections are a major challenge to your thyroid function. This information shows that when toxic infectious particles are sensed by your hypothalamus gland, thyroid function is progressively turned down in response to the initial inflammatory gene signals that are needed to fight the infection. This is most likely a survival system in and of itself, as energy needs to be diverted to immune function and away from general metabolic needs. However, it appears a line can be crossed where too much toxicity can simply crash your thyroid function - creating a major problem for immune function. Additionally, infections directly inflame the thyroid gland itself.
This inflammatory problem will be magnified by pre-existing thyroid problems, especially in those with pre-existing elevated thyroid autoantibodies. Even sluggish thyroid issues are a problem, as they will handicap general energy production. By the time a person has elevated thyroid autoantibodies (5% of the population), it means that the anti-inflammatory reserves of the adrenals are also already lacking.
Leptin resistance causes a similar thyroid problem in your brain, as your body gets the false notion you are starving and so turns down your metabolism by deactivating TRH (thyrotropin releasing hormone). This means that following the Leptin Diet is a really good idea so as not to be placing your thyroid function in a state of pre-existing stress based on how you are eating.
The infection anti-thyroid response targets the same TRH signal in your hypothalamus, but is orchestrated by non-food signal inputs. There are special glial cells called tanycytes that line key areas within your hypothalamus gland. These cells sense the infection particles and actually producing extra T3 within your hypothalamus gland only, which makes your brain think your body has enough T3, at which point your brain turns down TRH production and consequently reduces thyroid output for the rest of your body. Interestingly, this is one reason why people with sub-clinical or chronic low grade viral infections typically have sluggish thyroid problems.
Another significant thyroid stress is the toxicity of the drugs used to fight viral infections. While no specific studies exist on Tamiflu and thyroid, the fact that Tamiflu causes mental derangement in a percentage of children is evidence that it interferes with normal adrenal and thyroid function. We know that other viral therapies, as applied to HIV or hepatitis, can be very toxic to the thyroid.
This means that viral drug treatment is likely to take a toll on the thyroid anyway, so it is a good idea to ideally have your system working so well that you don’t get sick and if you should have to battle the flu you want to keep your thyroid as functional as possible.
Strength training exercise helps to condition your thyroid to work better, as one final end point of thyroid metabolism is to combine smoothly with growth hormone to rejuvenate muscle recovery. It is an especially good idea to have fit muscles going into any potential flu pandemic, as your muscles act as a bank account of protein that your body will use in a time of need to make antibodies. The more muscle you have, the better chance of survival. I have noticed for many years that when people keep their muscles fit they are much less prone to getting sick.
Please consult my thyroid health topic page for more information.
About the Author:
Byron J. Richards, Founder/Director of Wellness Resources, Inc., is a Board-Certified Clinical Nutritionist and a world renowned natural health expert. Richards is the first to explain the relevance of leptin and its link to solving obesity.
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Article Source: - Thyroid, Adrenals, & Immunity – A Clear Path to Surviving Swine Flu