
Senin, 23 Mei 2011

Fat Burning Secrets - Your Weight is Not that Important

That's correct folks. Your weight is not that important. Your body fat percentage is. What is body fat percentage? This is part of the composition of your body. Your body is composed of muscle and bones etc which makes up your lean body mass. Your body then has fat. The percentage of your total mass which is pure fat is called your body fat percentage.

Most people when they start a fat burning weight loss regime tend to concentrate on a goal weight. They focus on getting to this weight and don't realise that body composition is much more important.

Your body fat percentage is a much better indicator of your health. There are different recommendations for body fat percentage levels, but the following come from the American Council on Exercise.

Body Fat Percentages

An example of how body fat percentage is a much better indicator of health rather than something like BMI would be "fat skinny" people.

Say I am a woman who weighs 70kg and I am 168cm tall. My BMI of 24.4 tells me that I am in a normal weight range. I then go and measure my body fat percentage and the percentage of my body which is pure fat is 33%. This shows I am actually at risk. I have too much fat compared with lean mass on my body and so I am actually at risk even though BMI tells me I am normal weight range.

The same can go the other way say I am a male body builder who is 193cm tall and weighs 115kg. Of course this weight is muscle! My BMI would tell me that I am obese and yet when I do my body fat percentage testing I have a percentage of 8%. This actually means I am in the athlete class and not at all obese.

Focusing on body fat percentage rather than total mass is a much better option when setting goals. It is a much better indication on where you are health wise. The other reason is that muscle weighs more than fat and so sometimes when you build more lean mass you will see a gain on the scales which is actually good because it means your body fat percentage has dropped and you are healthier and leaner. Your muscles just weigh more!

An example of how body fat percentage is a much better indicator of health rather than something like BMI would be "fat skinny" people.

Say I am a woman who weighs 70kg and I am 168cm tall. My BMI of 24.4 tells me that I am in a normal weight range. I then go and measure my body fat percentage and the percentage of my body which is pure fat is 33%. This shows I am actually at risk. I have too much fat compared with lean mass on my body and so I am actually at risk even though BMI tells me I am normal weight range.

The same can go the other way say I am a male body builder who is 193cm tall and weighs 115kg. Of course this weight is muscle! My BMI would tell me that I am obese and yet when I do my body fat percentage testing I have a percentage of 8%. This actually means I am in the athlete class and not at all obese.

Focusing on body fat percentage rather than total mass is a much better option when setting goals. It is a much better indication on where you are health wise. The other reason is that muscle weighs more than fat and so sometimes when you build more lean mass you will see a gain on the scales which is actually good because it means your body fat percentage has dropped and you are healthier and leaner. Your muscles just weigh more!

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The best Diet solutions to supplement weight loss

Everybody aspires for a healthy body but often, many of us fail to keep a check over our weight. Any physical fitness trainer will tell you about the importance of the natural diet solutions for attaining success at your weight loss goals. Without proper natural diet, regular exercises will make your body weak and susceptible to fatigue and that may cause negative effects of weight loss oriented workouts.

Natural diets offer a wide range of options for the users with different set of priorities. As for example, if you are a diabetic patient, you may choose for specific diet solution for weight loss such as glycemic index diet. Such natural diet includes fiber-rich vegetables, fruits, and nutritious food grains like basmati rice, oats, barley, chick peas, quinoa and a lot more.

The fat burning effect of proper natural diet can be seen within weeks as you will experience a definite improvement while you will not suffer any weakness and fatigue. Without proper dieting solution, it is impossible to control your weight irrespective of how hard you work in the gym.

Many of the dieticians also offer organic natural diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables that are grown in the natural manner without the use of pesticides and inorganic fertilizers. Organic diet doesn't include any food that uses preservatives or sweeteners. The idea behind organic natural diets is that the artificial additives like chemical fertilizers, pesticides, preservatives etc ruins the natural ability of food to provide better health. Organic natural diets include free-range eggs, hormone free milk, beef and chicken used and prepared without using any preservative. Organic natural diet also disqualifies the food grains and vegetables that are genetically modified (such as BT crops).

A healthy diet is the pre-requisite for a healthy body. With proper natural diet solutions, you will be able to experience the best and fastest possible fat burning effect and that will help you to lose weight but to retain required energy.

In order to attain highly qualified information and proper tips and instructions about how to lose weight and maintain health, one may visit the official website for The Diet Solutions at http://shmyl.com/elvhton that offers every bit of information about natural diets and their fat burning effects in details.

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Plano Dentist – Dental Health Tips For A Brighter Smile

Society places great importance on the appearance of one's smile. Many people work hard to obtain whiter and brighter teeth. A person's smile is often the primary characteristic noticed in first impressions. Therefore, caring for your teeth and taking part in good dental health practices should be an essential part of personal hygiene. There are a variety of dental health tips that one can take to create a more beautiful smile.

Choosing a Toothbrush
Everyone is aware that they need to brush their teeth regularly. However, few people understand the importance of choosing a proper toothbrush. Many believe that as long as they brush, they will have healthy teeth. However, the brush that you choose has much to do with how effective your brushing will be. When looking for a toothbrush, choose one that has a head of around 1 inch in length and a rounded appearance. The bristles should be soft and not cause damage to the gums. Avoid brushes that feel abrasive and can irritate the mouth. The average adult needs a brush with four rows of bristles while those with smaller mouths and children need a brush with three rows of bristles.

If the correct toothbrush is not chosen, the gums can become irritated and sore. This leaves the gums more susceptible to being attacked by gum disease. People with sore gums are also less likely to care for their teeth through regular brushing and floss due to the pain.

Visit a Dentist
Good dental hygiene also includes regular visits to a dentist. Gum disease is a common occurrence in adults. The reduction of plaque on the teeth during check-ups will reduce the amount of bacteria in the mouth. Thus, the likelihood of gum disease also lessens. During regular check-ups, the dentist can examine the mouth for any signs of potential problems and stop them before they occur or worsen.

Use Mouth Wash
Studies show that rinsing your mouth with a fluoride mouthwash can give you added protection when it comes to tooth decay. Using a fluoride rinse is especially critical for those living in areas where fluoride is not added into the water supply.

Floss Between Teeth
While people know that they need to floss, not many people actually do it. Brushing alone will not remove the food particles that are stuck between the teeth. If left, these particles will cause plaque and tooth decay. In addition to preventing cavities, flossing can also reduce the chance of developing periodontal disease, which often leads to tooth loss in adults. For a healthy mouth, you should floss at least once a day. Most people floss before bedtime after all foods has been consumed for the day.

Properly caring for your teeth and following good dental health tips are essential in having a bright and white smile. Good teeth and gum hygiene should be carried out on a daily basis. Bacteria can begin to cause plaque within 24 hours of remaining in the mouth. Without removing the bacteria, tooth decay, gum disease, and cavities begin to form. Rotten or poorly kept teeth are very unsightly when it comes to meeting and talking to others. Damaged teeth and gums can also be very painful and make eating and drinking near impossible. Dental visits to correct the effects of poor dental health are very costly. Therefore, caring for your teeth while they are healthy is the best, most affordable, and easiest option available.

If you live in the Plano, TX area and would like more information, please visit Dr. Barnett's website http://www.starranchdental.com. Dr. Barnett is a general dentist in Plano offering both general dentistry and cosmetic dentistry services.

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